What is skin? Dictionary definition: epithelial tissue that covers and protects the muscles and organs of the body. Clothes, shoes, gloves, house, etc... We live with multiple layers of skin to survive. Whenever new materials and technologies emerge, humans have been constantly creating new skin. Then, what is the next generation of new skin created by 3D printing? WHAT IS NEXT? What if the cat's tongue and human skin merge? I start this project with a strange imagination
Printing test of various structures
Latex milk Casting​​​​​​​
The direction I want is an organic shape but ironically the result is a dead object. 
Not alive. I decided to simulate the structure with latex milk
Casting work on 3d printed model
What I have found in this process is stretch, elasticity and flexible movement. I reorganized these properties with 3D printing

Creating a living Structure in Maya, Zbrush & Rendertest
Living Structure
Modeling the static structure form into a kinetic structure that can move.
Test printing with TPU (flexible filament)
Is there a way to use this useless string? I turned this string into hair.
What would it look like if I attached 3d printed hair to a moving structure
Living Structure & Stringfur
Realizing lively movements using 3D printing and astructure 
that combines such a moving structure and hair
printed with TPU Filament
Dynamic living structure
Printed by SLS printer The previous process was a planar shape of the xy axis. This was modeled in a dynamic form with xyz axis and printed with a sls printer.
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