How are you today? Sometimes you forget very small joys and our own mood in everyday life. One can experience that we compare our existence to a certain object. This window grille in Burg Campus looks like the eyes. What will happen if this window has a mouth. You can compare and recognize your own mood with the mouth of the window and this lively window grille refreshes our mood. Shape memory alloy (SMA) in window mouth remembers imprinted target shape. That is, does it return to the target shape when SMA is heated to a certain temperature range. Basic facial expression is happy. And if FGL is electronically loaded, then FGL has become shortened. Then FGL draw the balls. Finally, the window grille changes its facial expressions.
idea sketch
The rehearsal and training of the shape memory alloy (SMA).
The big challenge of my project was that I need to develop the strength of the shape memory alloy enough to hold a certain weight. In the beginning the power was too weak. That‘s why I used more FGL and the parallel circuit and then the power got better. Finally, the moving window grill works better. If you want to use a heavy material, you need longer and thicker SMAs
"happy" or "sad"
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